Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Missing Mass

On Sunday I went to my beloved Latin Mass. It's only available every other week, so on the alternate week I go to my Parish church. I was very surprised when two ladies at the Latin Mass told me that on the Sundays it isn't available they just don't go to Mass. They said they can't stand the new Mass so they don't go. I was quite shocked as they are breaking a Law of the Church, but just made a light hearted remark about "If Jesus can stand it I can." But thinking about it later I do feel they are very wrong to miss Mass just because it isn't what THEY want. Our Lord IS there and the Church is very clear about the importance of not missing Mass on Sundays. I've been reading the "Screwtape Letters" by C.S.Lewis, much of it is about how Satan encourages us to criticise and judge other churchgoers so that we'll stop going to Church. Satan loves that, as he knows that when we stop going to Church we drift away from God. I'm praying for those two ladies.

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