Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Father Tom

Our dear Father Tom has just come back from a retreat in Australia. I was so pleased to see him on the altar this morning and I thanked God for his safe return. He is a great priest and has a lovely warmth of manner. When he preaches he holds the Bible so he can flip backwards and forwards to show how the readings are part of the whole message of the Bible. As I love reading the Bible I also love this style of preaching.

Best of all he says the Latin Mass for us. Deo Gratias for Fr Tom.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Besuty 2

Is there anything more beautiful than getting up before sunrise and praying to the almighty and eternal God? I don't think so. The silence, the stillness, the lone candle flckering - and you alone with God (apart from your guardian angel and the saints that is). What a blessed time.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beauty 1

I am haunted by a longing for beauty. How can I get more beauty in my life and is right to long for it? Can a Christian lead a beautiful life when the ugliness of sin - both mine and others - intrudes so much? Should we want beauty?

I'm going to make it my aim and will keep you posted.