Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Latin Mass (again)

I went to the Latin Mass again today. It's only held once a fortnight in this area but how I love it! The reverence, the silence...with just the priest and altar server speaking quietly, the peace and joy. Words cannot express it. And our beloved priest, Fr T, speaks very frankly to us about the way we should live as Christians. He has told us he couldn't be so open at a parish Mass as people would be offended. Today he told us bluntly that we had to be Christ to a fallen world and explained what that meant. Very challenging and quite scary, so we try and we pray to the Holy Spirit.

THank you Jesus for the Blessed Latin Mass.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Offering up

For several weeks now I have been quite ill which is a novel experience for me. As I was being admitted to hospital the nurse said incredulously "At your age you've never had a general anaesthetic before?" and I answered "I've never even been in hospital before." (Even my babies had been born at home, and were very easy births) We agreed I had been very 'lucky'("blessed" I said to myself). So this was my first experience of 'offering up' my pain to God for others, I'd read about it, and knew how important it was but I'd never had the chance to actually do it before. And I was rather disappointed when I did. I don't know what I easing of the pain? ...a feeling of peace?...I don't know. But whatever I expected it didn't happen; the pain was just as bad, there was no lessening of my distress, I was still as scared. But in faith I believed that I was helping some priest somewhere. Praise God.